We are all tax payers. Even a beggar walking on road pays sales tax when he buys something from the market. It's all our money what get's utilized (or at least is officially being said to be utilized) in all central and state government programs, projects. But then where really all this money goes? why the government hospitals do not have proper medical facilities? why poor people are dying of hunger? why the roads are in pathetic conditions? Why we civilians, the so called Aam Junta, are not benefited by all these programs initiated by State and National Governments?
This Right to Information act gives us right to ask any questions of such sort to the government body. This is an act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the Constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith.
This act gives us authority to access the records which are held by or under the control of any public authority and includes the right to -
- Inspection of work, document and records
- Taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records
- Taking certified samples or material
- Obtaining information in terms of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through print outs where such information is stored in a computer or some other device.
Much has been illustrated and elaborated by various people at various places regarding the use of this act by the masters of Government i.e. we, the people. But then RTI alone seems not enough, Real Democracy will come with people able to govern their own areas. Thus, moving more and more from representative to direct democracy.
When the idea will be to handover responsibility to the people, who will govern their areas through general bodies consisting of approximately 1000 families. By localizing the power and responsibilities, political apathy will be done away with. Also these general bodies should have the right to sack municipal officials who do not do their job in providing road repairing, clean water supply and proper electricity supply.
If, ever that will be thought of, will take a long time to take place. For the time being RTI is what we really have and can be used positively. For more information on RTI log on to http://righttoinformation.gov.in/